Give the parameters in the function default values,parametersvalues,def hello_3(
文章由Byrx.net分享于2019-03-23 06:03:17
Give the parameters in the function default values,parametersvalues,def hello_3(
def hello_3(greeting='Hello', name='world'): print '%s, %s!' % (greeting, name)hello_3()hello_3('Greetings')hello_3('Greetings', 'universe')hello_3(name='Gumby')def hello_4(name, greeting='Hello', punctuation='!'): print '%s, %s%s' % (greeting, name, punctuation)hello_4('Mars')hello_4('Mars', 'Hi')hello_4('Mars', 'Hi', '...')hello_4('Mars', punctuation='.')hello_4('Mars', greeting='It is a greeting!')
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