Simple XML Document Analysis,simpleanalysis,import sysfr
Simple XML Document Analysis,simpleanalysis,import sysfr
import sysfrom xml.parsers import expatdef start_element(name,attrs): print 'Start:', name, attrsdef character_data(data): print 'Data:', repr(data)def end_element(name): print 'End: ', namep = expat.ParserCreate()p.StartElementHandler = start_elementp.EndElementHandler = end_elementp.CharacterDataHandler = character_datap.ParseFile(open(sys.argv[1]))
- Draw polygon,drawpolygon,from Tkinter
- Mouse action: single click, double click,mouseclick,im
- test for List membership with in,testmembership,invent
- Reference dictionary in print function,,print '%(n)d
- Subclassing the Default ContentHandler,,from xml.sax
- Define your own class to store time and date,definesto
- Draw polygon,drawpolygon,from Tkinter
- Mouse action: single click, double click,mouseclick,import Tkint
- test for List membership with in,testmembership,inventory =
- Reference dictionary in print function,,print '%(n)d
- Subclassing the Default ContentHandler,,from xml.sax
- Define your own class to store time and date,definestore,import tim
- String output format: %e, %f, %g and,%e%g,x = 1.234567
- Using finally clauses.,finallyclauses,def raiseExc
- Draw circle,drawcircle,from Tkinter
- Inner function definition,innerdefinition,def f1():