Python汉字转拼音,python汉字拼音,# -*- coding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ------------------------------------------------------------# Script   Name: Creation Date: 2010-09-21  02:12# Last Modified: 2011-11-12 18:38:13# Copyright (c)2011, DDTCMS Project# Purpose: This file used for DDTCMS Project# ------------------------------------------------------------######################################   Written by caocao               ##   Modified by [email protected]    ##   [email protected]              ##       ####################################### python.import sys,osimport reimport stringclass CConvert:    def __init__(self):        self.has_shengdiao = False        self.just_shengmu  = False        self.spliter = '-'        "Load data table"        try:            fp=open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_DIR, 'utils', 'convert-utf-8.txt'))        except IOError:            print "Can't load data from convert-utf-8.txt\nPlease make sure this file exists."            sys.exit(1)        else:  "utf-8")# decoded data to unicode            fp.close()    def convert1(self, strIn):        "Convert Unicode strIn to PinYin"        length, strOutKey, strOutValue, i=len(strIn), "", "", 0        while i<length:            code1 =ord(strIn[i:i+1])            if code1>=0x4e02 and code1<=0xe863:                strTemp   = self.getIndex(strIn[i:i+1])                if not self.has_shengdiao:                    strTemp  = strTemp[:-1]                strLength = len(strTemp)                if strLength<1:strLength=1                strOutKey   +=[i:i+1], strLength)+" "                strOutValue += self.spliter +, strLength) + self.spliter            else:#ascii code;                strOutKey+=strIn[i:i+1]+" "                strOutValue+=strIn[i:i+1] + ' '            i+=1            #############################            #txlist = utf8String.split()            #out=convert.convert(utf8String)            #l=[]            #for t in map(convert.convert, txlist):            #   l.append(t[0])            #v = '-'.join(l).replace(' ','').replace(u'--','-').strip('-')            #############################        return [strOutValue, strOutKey]    def getIndex(self, strIn):        "Convert single Unicode to PinYin from index"        if strIn==' ':return self.spliter        if set(strIn).issubset("'\"`~!@#$%^&*()=+[]{}\\|;:,.<>/?"):return self.spliter # or return ""        if set(strIn).issubset("-&mdash;!##%%&&()*,、。:;?? @@\{{|}}~~&lsquo;&rsquo;&ldquo;&rdquo;《》【】++==&times;¥&middot;&hellip; ".decode("utf-8")):return """^"+strIn+"([0-9a-zA-Z]+)",, re.M)        if pos==None:            return strIn        else:            if not self.just_shengmu:                return            else:                return[:1]    def convert(self, strIn):        "Convert Unicode strIn to PinYin"        if self.spliter != '-' and self.spliter !='_' and self.spliter != '' and self.spliter != ' ':            self.spliter = '-'        pinyin_list=[]        for c in strIn :            pinyin_list.append(self.getIndex(c))        pinyin=''        for p in pinyin_list:            if p==' ':                pinyin+= self.spliter                continue            if len(p)<2:# only shengmu,just get one char,or number                #if p.isdigit():                #   pinyin += p + ' '                #else:                #   pinyin += p + ' '                pinyin += p + ' '            else:                if not self.has_shengdiao: p = p[:-1]                pinyin += self.spliter + p + self.spliter        pinyin = pinyin.replace(' ','') \                .replace(self.spliter+self.spliter,self.spliter) \                .strip(self.spliter+' ').replace(self.spliter+self.spliter,self.spliter)        return pinyin
