

from xml.dom import minidomfrom os import walkimport ConfigParserimport csvfrom string import splitfrom string import stripfrom time import gmtime, localtime, asctimefrom os.path import join, dirname, exists, abspath#log errors stufffrom traceback import format_exceptionfrom sys import exc_info#this is the log file - made global so all the subroutines can see itglobal mylog#small app to suck InfoPath data files into Excel csv filedef get_fields():    global mylog    mylog.writelines(".. parsing config \n")    fields =[]    cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"config.ini")    fields = split(cp.get("InfoPath","fields"),",")    path = cp.get("InfoPath","path")    return fields, pathdef read_file(fields, path, writer):    global mylog    #read and write out the files    for root, dirs, files in walk(path):        for filename in files:            if ".xml" in filename:                abspath = join(root, filename)                try:            mylog.write("\n" + abspath + "\n")                    f = open(abspath,'r')                    dom = minidom.parseString(                    row = []                                for field in fields:            try:                            data = dom.getElementsByTagName(strip(field))[0].childNodes[0].data                data.encode('utf-8') #put your code set here            except:                            mylog.write("...error on " + field + "\n")                            mylog.write(''.join(format_exception(*exc_info())))                 data = " "                        row.append(data)                    writer.writerow(row)                    f.close()                except:                    txt =  ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info()))                    mylog.write(txt + "\n") def create_log ():    global mylog    logname = "reportlog.txt"      time_now = asctime(localtime())    mylog = open(logname, 'w')    mylog.writelines(time_now + ".. starting \n")    return  if __name__=="__main__":    #create the log file    create_log()    #get the settings from config.ini in same dir    fields, path = get_fields()    #open csv and write out header fields    writer = csv.writer(open("report.csv", "wb"))    writer.writerow(fields)    #read files and output Excel csv    read_file(fields, path, writer)


[InfoPath]fields= my:Issue, my:LOB, my:SARepresentative, my:Assessor, my:Status, my:Typepath = c:\temp\InfoPath
