python实现的守护进程(Daemon),pythondaemon,def createDa
文章由Byrx.net分享于2019-03-23 11:03:04
python实现的守护进程(Daemon),pythondaemon,def createDa
def createDaemon(): ”’Funzione che crea un demone per eseguire un determinato programma…”’ import os # create - fork 1 try: if os.fork() > 0: os._exit(0) # exit father… except OSError, error: print ‘fork #1 failed: %d (%s)’ % (error.errno, error.strerror) os._exit(1) # it separates the son from the father os.chdir(’/') os.setsid() os.umask(0) # create - fork 2 try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: print ‘Daemon PID %d’ % pid os._exit(0) except OSError, error: print ‘fork #2 failed: %d (%s)’ % (error.errno, error.strerror) os._exit(1) funzioneDemo() # function demodef funzioneDemo(): import time fd = open('/tmp/demone.log', 'w') while True: fd.write(time.ctime()+'\n') fd.flush() time.sleep(2) fd.close()if __name__ == '__main__': createDaemon()
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