Python3 使用requests库读取本地保存的cookie文件实现免登录访问,,1. 读取selen
Python3 使用requests库读取本地保存的cookie文件实现免登录访问,,1. 读取selen
1. 读取selenium模块保存的本地cookie文件来访问知乎
1 [{"domain": "", "expiry": 1527855266.402958, "httpOnly": false, "name": "tgw_l7_route", "path": "/", "secure": false, "value": "200d77f3369d188920b797ddf09ec8d1"},2 {"domain": "", "expiry": 1622462366.40309, "httpOnly": false, "name": "d_c0", "path": "/", "secure": false, "value": "\"AFAkkY_hrg2PTvLVtweW-Ok8mRLKop4IJZY=|1527854371\""}, 3 {"domain": "", "httpOnly": false, "name": "_xsrf", "path": "/", "secure": false, "value": "7da6b4e4-c77d-47a4-81fa-68b1262235c8"}....后面的删掉了]
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 3 import requests 4 import json 5 import os 6 from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar 7 8 9 def parse_index():10 url = ‘‘11 headers = {12 ‘user-agent‘: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.146 Safari/537.36‘13 }14 cookies = getcookies_decode_to_dict()15 # cookies = getcookies_decode_to_cookiejar()16 # requests.get()方法的cookies参数只接收Dict或者CookieJar对象17 response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)18 print(response.url)19 print(response.text)20 21 22 def getcookies_decode_to_dict():23 path = os.getcwd() + ‘/cookies/‘24 if not os.path.exists(path):25 print(‘Cookie文件不存在,请先运行‘)26 else:27 cookies_dict = {}28 with open(path + ‘cookies.txt‘, ‘r‘) as f:29 cookies = json.loads( for cookie in cookies:31 cookies_dict[cookie[‘name‘]] = cookie[‘value‘]32 return cookies_dict33 34 35 def getcookies_decode_to_cookiejar():36 path = os.getcwd() + ‘/cookies/‘37 if not os.path.exists(path):38 print(‘Cookie文件不存在,请先运行‘)39 else:40 cookiejar = RequestsCookieJar()41 with open(path + ‘cookies.txt‘, ‘r‘) as f:42 cookies = json.loads( for cookie in cookies:44 cookiejar.set(cookie[‘name‘], cookie[‘value‘])45 return cookiejar46 47 48 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:49 parse_index()
Python3 使用requests库读取本地保存的cookie文件实现免登录访问
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