[python] 词云:wordcloud包的安装、使用、原理(源码分析)、中文词云生成、代码重写,,词云,又称文字云、标



from wordcloud import WordCloudimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt# Read the whole text.text = open(‘constitution.txt‘).read()# Generate a word cloud imagewordcloud = WordCloud().generate(text)# Display the generated image:# the matplotlib way:plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation=‘bilinear‘)plt.axis("off")




alice_mask = np.array(Image.open(path.join(d, "alice_mask.png")))wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, mask=alice_mask, stopwords=stopwords, contour_width=3, contour_color=‘steelblue‘)wc.generate(text)


1. 安装

pip install wordcloud

词云:解决pip install wordcloud安装过程中报错“error: command ‘x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc‘ failed with exit status 1”问题

2. 根据源码分析wordcloud的实现原理


(1) 文本预处理

(2) 词频统计

(3) 将高频词以图片形式进行彩色渲染



def generate(self, text):    """Generate wordcloud from text.    The input "text" is expected to be a natural text. If you pass a sorted    list of words, words will appear in your output twice. To remove this    duplication, set ``collocations=False``.    Alias to generate_from_text.    Calls process_text and generate_from_frequencies.    Returns    -------    self    """    return self.generate_from_text(text)def generate_from_text(self, text):    """Generate wordcloud from text.    The input "text" is expected to be a natural text. If you pass a sorted    list of words, words will appear in your output twice. To remove this    duplication, set ``collocations=False``.    Calls process_text and generate_from_frequencies.    ..versionchanged:: 1.2.2        Argument of generate_from_frequencies() is not return of        process_text() any more.    Returns    -------    self    """    words = self.process_text(text)    self.generate_from_frequencies(words)    return self


generate(self, text)=>self.generate_from_text(text)=>words = self.process_text(text)self.generate_from_frequencies(words)


(1) process_text(text) 主要是进行分词和去噪。


检测文本编码分词(根据规则进行tokenize)、保留单词字符(A-Za-z0-9_)和单引号(‘)、去除单字符去除停用词去除后缀(‘s) -- 针对英文去除纯数字统计一元和二元词频计数(unigrams_and_bigrams)-- 可选

返回的结果是一个字典dict(string, int),表示的是分词后的token以及对应出现的次数



def process_text(self, text):    """Splits a long text into words, eliminates the stopwords.    Parameters    ----------    text : string        The text to be processed.    Returns    -------    words : dict (string, int)        Word tokens with associated frequency.    ..versionchanged:: 1.2.2        Changed return type from list of tuples to dict.    Notes    -----    There are better ways to do word tokenization, but I don‘t want to    include all those things.    """    stopwords = set([i.lower() for i in self.stopwords])    flags = (re.UNICODE if sys.version < ‘3‘ and type(text) is unicode             else 0)    regexp = self.regexp if self.regexp is not None else r"\w[\w‘]+"    words = re.findall(regexp, text, flags)    # remove stopwords    words = [word for word in words if word.lower() not in stopwords]    # remove ‘s    words = [word[:-2] if word.lower().endswith("‘s") else word             for word in words]    # remove numbers    words = [word for word in words if not word.isdigit()]    if self.collocations:        word_counts = unigrams_and_bigrams(words, self.normalize_plurals)    else:        word_counts, _ = process_tokens(words, self.normalize_plurals)    return word_counts
def process_text(self, text)

(2)generate_from_frequencies(words) 主要是根据上一步的结果生成词云分布。


对词计数结果进行排序,并归一化(normalized)到0~1之间,得到词频创建图像并确定font_size初始值给self.words_赋值,记录的是出现频率最高的前max_words个词,以及对应的归一化后的词频,即dict(token, normalized_frequency)画出灰度图:词频越大,font_size越大;根据生成的随机数来决定字的水平/垂直方向若随机数小于self.prefer_horizontal则为水平方向,否则为垂直方向;如果空间不足,优先考虑旋转方向,其次考虑将字体变小给self.layout_赋值,记录的是词和词频、字体大小、位置、方向、以及颜色,即list(zip(frequencies, font_sizes, positions, orientations, colors))




def generate_from_frequencies(self, frequencies, max_font_size=None):    """Create a word_cloud from words and frequencies.    Parameters    ----------    frequencies : dict from string to float        A contains words and associated frequency.    max_font_size : int        Use this font-size instead of self.max_font_size    Returns    -------    self    """    # make sure frequencies are sorted and normalized    frequencies = sorted(frequencies.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)    if len(frequencies) <= 0:        raise ValueError("We need at least 1 word to plot a word cloud, "                         "got %d." % len(frequencies))    frequencies = frequencies[:self.max_words]    # largest entry will be 1    max_frequency = float(frequencies[0][1])    frequencies = [(word, freq / max_frequency)                   for word, freq in frequencies]    if self.random_state is not None:        random_state = self.random_state    else:        random_state = Random()    if self.mask is not None:        mask = self.mask        width = mask.shape[1]        height = mask.shape[0]        if mask.dtype.kind == ‘f‘:            warnings.warn("mask image should be unsigned byte between 0"                          " and 255. Got a float array")        if mask.ndim == 2:            boolean_mask = mask == 255        elif mask.ndim == 3:            # if all channels are white, mask out            boolean_mask = np.all(mask[:, :, :3] == 255, axis=-1)        else:            raise ValueError("Got mask of invalid shape: %s"                             % str(mask.shape))    else:        boolean_mask = None        height, width = self.height, self.width    occupancy = IntegralOccupancyMap(height, width, boolean_mask)    # create image    img_grey = Image.new("L", (width, height))    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_grey)    img_array = np.asarray(img_grey)    font_sizes, positions, orientations, colors = [], [], [], []    last_freq = 1.    if max_font_size is None:        # if not provided use default font_size        max_font_size = self.max_font_size    if max_font_size is None:        # figure out a good font size by trying to draw with        # just the first two words        if len(frequencies) == 1:            # we only have one word. We make it big!            font_size = self.height        else:            self.generate_from_frequencies(dict(frequencies[:2]),                                           max_font_size=self.height)            # find font sizes            sizes = [x[1] for x in self.layout_]            try:                font_size = int(2 * sizes[0] * sizes[1]                                 / (sizes[0] + sizes[1]))            # quick fix for if self.layout_ contains less than 2 values            # on very small images it can be empty            except IndexError:                try:                    font_size = sizes[0]                except IndexError:                    raise ValueError(‘canvas size is too small‘)    else:        font_size = max_font_size    # we set self.words_ here because we called generate_from_frequencies    # above... hurray for good design?    self.words_ = dict(frequencies)    # start drawing grey image    for word, freq in frequencies:        # select the font size        rs = self.relative_scaling        if rs != 0:            font_size = int(round((rs * (freq / float(last_freq))                                   + (1 - rs)) * font_size))        if random_state.random() < self.prefer_horizontal:            orientation = None        else:            orientation = Image.ROTATE_90        tried_other_orientation = False        while True:            # try to find a position            font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font_path, font_size)            # transpose font optionally            transposed_font = ImageFont.TransposedFont(                font, orientation=orientation)            # get size of resulting text            box_size = draw.textsize(word, font=transposed_font)            # find possible places using integral image:            result = occupancy.sample_position(box_size[1] + self.margin,                                               box_size[0] + self.margin,                                               random_state)            if result is not None or font_size < self.min_font_size:                # either we found a place or font-size went too small                break            # if we didn‘t find a place, make font smaller            # but first try to rotate!            if not tried_other_orientation and self.prefer_horizontal < 1:                orientation = (Image.ROTATE_90 if orientation is None else                               Image.ROTATE_90)                tried_other_orientation = True            else:                font_size -= self.font_step                orientation = None        if font_size < self.min_font_size:            # we were unable to draw any more            break        x, y = np.array(result) + self.margin // 2        # actually draw the text        draw.text((y, x), word, fill="white", font=transposed_font)        positions.append((x, y))        orientations.append(orientation)        font_sizes.append(font_size)        colors.append(self.color_func(word, font_size=font_size,                                      position=(x, y),                                      orientation=orientation,                                      random_state=random_state,                                      font_path=self.font_path))        # recompute integral image        if self.mask is None:            img_array = np.asarray(img_grey)        else:            img_array = np.asarray(img_grey) + boolean_mask        # recompute bottom right        # the order of the cumsum‘s is important for speed ?!        occupancy.update(img_array, x, y)        last_freq = freq    self.layout_ = list(zip(frequencies, font_sizes, positions,                            orientations, colors))    return self       
def generate_from_frequencies(self, frequencies, max_font_size=None)

3. 应用到中文语料应该要注意的点

wordcloud包是由Andreas Mueller在2015-03-20发布1.0.0版本,现在最新的是2018-03-13发布的1.4.1版本。




In  : re.findall(r"\w[\w‘]+", "It‘s Monday today.")Out: ["It‘s", ‘Monday‘, ‘today‘]


In : re.findall(r"\w[\w‘]+", "今天天气不错,蓝天白云,还有温暖的阳光 哈 哈哈")Out: [‘今天天气不错‘, ‘蓝天白云‘, ‘还有温暖的阳光‘, ‘哈哈‘]



另外要注意的是,无论是对英文还是中文,默认是把单字符剔除掉(因为regexp = self.regexp if self.regexp is not None else r"\w[\w‘]+"),如果想要保留单字符,将regexp参数讲表达式设置为r"\w[\w‘]*"即可。

from wordcloud import WordCloudfrom scipy.misc import imreaddef generate_wordcloud(text, max_words=200, pic_path=None):    """    生成词云    :param text: 一段以空格为间断的字符串    :param max_words: 词数目上限    :param pic_path: 输出图片路径    :return:    """    mk = imread("tuoyuan.jpg")    wc = WordCloud(font_path="/usr/share/fonts/myfonts/msyh.ttf", background_color="white", max_words=max_words,                   mask=mk, width=1000, height=500, max_font_size=100, prefer_horizontal=0.95, collocations=False)    wc.generate(text=text)    if pic_path:        wc.to_file(pic_path)    else:        plt.imshow(wc)        plt.axis("off")        plt.show()    return wc.words_def run_wordcloud(corpus, max_words, pic_path=None):    text = " ".join([" ".join(line) for line in corpus])   # 将分词后的结果用空格连接    word2weight = generate_wordcloud(text=text, max_words=max_words, pic_path=pic_path)    word2weight_sorted = sorted(word2weight.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)    logging.info([(k, float("%.5f" % v)) for k, v in word2weight_sorted]) 


4. 重写代码






import jiebaimport jieba.posseg as psegclass Utils(object):    def __init__(self, utils_data=None):        self.stopwords = self.init_utils(utils_data)        self.pos_save = {            "n", "an", "Ng", "nr", "ns", "nt", "nz", "vn", "un",  # 名            "v", "vg", "vd",  # 动            "a", "ag", "ad",  # 形            "j", "l", "i", "z", "b", "g", "s", "h",  # j简称略语、l习用语、i成语、z状态词、b区别词、g语素、s处所词、h前接成分            "zg", "eng",            "x"}  # 未知(自定义词)    def _init_utils(self, utils_data):        for wd in utils_data["user_dict"]:            jieba.add_word(wd)        return set(utils_data["stopwords"])    def _token_filter(self, token):  # 去停用词; 去数字; 去单字        return token not in self.stopwords and not token.isdigit() and len(token) >= 2    def _token_filter_with_flag(self, pair_word_flag):  # 保留指定词性        return self.token_filter(pair_word_flag.word) and pair_word_flag.flag in self.pos_save    def cut(self, text):        return list(filter(self._token_filter, list(jieba.cut(text.lower()))))  # 分词; 小写化;    def cut_with_flag(self, text):        pairs = list(filter(self._token_filter_with_flag,  list(pseg.cut(text.lower()))))  # 分词和词性标注; 小写化;        return [p.word for p in pairs]


    def word_count(corpus, n_gram=1, n=None):        counter = Counter()        if n_gram == 1:            for line in corpus:                counter.update(line)        elif n_gram == 2:            for line in corpus:                size = len(line)                counter.update(["%s_%s" % (line[idx], line[idx + 1]) for idx in range(size) if idx + 1 < size])  # 有序        else:            logging.info("[Error] Invalid value of param n_gram: %s (only 1 or 2 accepted)" % n_gram)        return counter.most_common(n=n)












[python] 词云:wordcloud包的安装、使用、原理(源码分析)、中文词云生成、代码重写
