本文作者: 编橙之家 - Yusheng 。未经作者许可,禁止转载!欢迎加入编橙之家 专栏作者。
0. About
关于图的基本表示与基本算法,包括图的邻接表和邻接矩阵表示法;图的广度优先(BFS)与深度优先(DFS)搜索算法;最小权生成树问题的 Kruskal 算法与 Prim 算法;单源最短路径的 Dijkstra 算法。
1. 邻接表与邻接矩阵表示
class GraphTable: def __init__(self, nodes, edges, is_dir = False): self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges self.is_dir = is_dir self.graph = [] for node in nodes: self.graph.append([node]) for edge in edges: for n in self.graph: if n[0] == edge[0]: n.append(edge[1]) if not is_dir: if n[0] == edge[1]: n.append(edge[0]) self.G = None def __str__(self): return 'n'.join([str(n) for n in self.graph]) def draw(self): settings = dict(name='Graph', engine='circo', node_attr=dict(shape='circle'), format='png') self.G = Digraph(**settings) if self.is_dir else Graph(**settings) for node in self.nodes: self.G.node(str(node), str(node)) for edge in self.edges: self.G.edge(str(edge[0]), str(edge[1])) return self.G
gt = GraphTable([1,2,3,4,5], [(1,2), (1,5), (2,5), (2,4), (5,4), (2,3), (3,4)]) print(gt) gt.draw() """ [1, 2, 5] [2, 1, 5, 4, 3] [3, 2, 4] [4, 2, 5, 3] [5, 1, 2, 4] """
dgt = GraphTable([1,2,3,4,5], [(1,2), (1,5), (2,5), (2,4), (5,4), (2,3), (3,4)], is_dir=True) print(dgt) dgt.draw() """ [1, 2, 5] [2, 5, 4, 3] [3, 4] [4] [5, 4] """
邻接矩阵表示法则是用一个 N 阶矩阵来表示,其中任意两个节点所对应的矩阵中的值为0或1表示两个节点是否相连通:
class GraphMatrix: def __init__(self, nodes, edges, is_dir=False): self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges self.graph = [] for _ in range(len(nodes)): self.graph.append([0]*len(nodes)) for (x, y) in edges: self.graph[x-1][y-1] = 1 if not is_dir: self.graph[y-1][x-1] = 1 def __str__(self): return str('n'.join([str(i) for i in self.graph]))
gm = GraphMatrix([1,2,3,4,5], [(1,2), (1,5), (2,5), (2,4), (5,4), (2,3), (3,4)]) print(gm) """ [0, 1, 0, 0, 1] [1, 0, 1, 1, 1] [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] [0, 1, 1, 0, 1] [1, 1, 0, 1, 0] """
dgm = GraphMatrix([1,2,3,4,5], [(1,2), (1,5), (2,5), (2,4), (5,4), (2,3), (3,4)], is_dir=True) print(dgm) """ [0, 1, 0, 0, 1] [0, 0, 1, 1, 1] [0, 0, 0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0, 1, 0] """
2. 广度优先搜索与深度优先搜索
# 定义一个枚举类型,用于标记访问过的节点的状态 # WHITE 表示未查看过 # GRAY 表示查看过但未访问 # BLACK 表示已经访问过 import enum class Color(enum.Enum): WHITE = 0 GRAY = 1 BLACK = 2
# 需要向 GraphTable 添加方法 adjs 用于 # 查询所有与某节点直接相连的节点 def adjs(self, node): return list(filter(lambda n: n[0] == node, self.graph))[0][1:] def BFS(G, s): color = {} dists = {} parent= {} for node in G.graph: color[node[0]] = Color.WHITE dists[node[0]] = -1 parent[node[0]]= None color[s] = Color.GRAY dists[s] = 0 queue = [s] while len(queue): cursor = queue.pop(0) for v in G.adjs(cursor): if color[v] == Color.WHITE: color[v] = Color.GRAY dists[v] = dists[cursor] + 1 parent[v] = cursor queue.append(v) color[cursor] = Color.BLACK print("[{}] visited!".format(cursor)) return parent
返回的 parent
def shortest_path(G, s, v, visit, search = BFS): parent = search(G, s) print(parent) def visit_path(parent, s, v, visit): if v == s: visit(s) elif parent[v] is None: print("No path from {} to {}".format(s, v)) else: visit_path(parent, s, parent[v], visit) visit(v) visit_path(parent, s, v, visit) path = [] shortest_path(gt, 1, 3, path.append) print(path) """ [1] visited! [2] visited! [5] visited! [4] visited! [3] visited! [1, 2, 3] """
def DFS(G, s, visit=print): color = {} for node in G.graph: color[node[0]] = Color.WHITE def DFS_visit(node): color[node] = Color.GRAY for v in G.adjs(node): if color[v] == Color.WHITE: DFS_visit(v) color[node] = Color.BLACK visit("[{}] visited!".format(node)) DFS_visit(s) DFS(gt, 1) """ [3] visited! [4] visited! [5] visited! [2] visited! [1] visited! """
3. 最小生成树
# 加权图 class WeiGraph(GraphTable): def __init__(self, nodes, edges, is_dir=False): self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges self.graph = [] for node in nodes: self.graph.append([(node, 0)]) for (x, y, w) in edges: for n in self.graph: if n[0][0] == x: n.append((y, w)) if not is_dir: if n[0][0] == y: n.append((x, w)) self.G = None self.is_dir = is_dir def adjs(self, node): return list(filter(lambda n: n[0][0] == node, self.graph))[0][1:] def draw(self, color_filter=None): if color_filter is None: color_filter = lambda edge: 'black' settings = dict(name='Graph', engine='circo', node_attr=dict(shape='circle')) self.G = Graph(**settings) if not self.is_dir else Digraph(**settings) for node in self.nodes: self.G.node(str(node), str(node)) for (x, y, w) in self.edges: self.G.edge(str(x), str(y), label=str(w), color=color_filter((x, y, w))) return self.G
wg = WeiGraph('abcdefghi', [('a','b',4), ('a','h',8), ('b','h',11),('b','c',8), ('c','d',7), ('c','f',4), ('c','i',2), ('d','e',9), ('d','f',14), ('e','f',10), ('f','g',2), ('g','h',1), ('h','i',7)]) print(wg) """ [('a', 0), ('b', 4), ('h', 8)] [('b', 0), ('a', 4), ('h', 11), ('c', 8)] [('c', 0), ('b', 8), ('d', 7), ('f', 4), ('i', 2)] [('d', 0), ('c', 7), ('e', 9), ('f', 14)] [('e', 0), ('d', 9), ('f', 10)] [('f', 0), ('c', 4), ('d', 14), ('e', 10), ('g', 2)] [('g', 0), ('f', 2), ('h', 1)] [('h', 0), ('a', 8), ('b', 11), ('g', 1), ('i', 7)] [('i', 0), ('c', 2), ('h', 7)] """ wg.draw()
Kruskal 算法首先将所有节点看作是一群孤立的树(即森林),然后将所有边按照权值存入优先队列,之后依次取出权值最小的边,并检查这个边的两个节点是否已经在同一棵树上,如果不是则将两点所在树合二为一。这里的森林和树通过集合进行操作。
# 优先队列采用 Python 的 Queue.PriorityQueue # 但由于图的边采用 (u, v, w) 的方式存储 # 而 PriorityQueue 只以第一个元素作为权值 # 因此需要稍作改动 from queue import PriorityQueue as PQ class PriorityQueue(PQ): def __init__(self, *option): super().__init__(*option) def put(self, item): super().put(item[::-1]) def get(self): return super().get()[::-1] # 用 集合 存储和操作森林与树 class Forest: def __init__(self): self.sets = set() def make(self, item): self.sets.add(frozenset({item})) def union(self, item_a, item_b): a = self.find(item_a) b = self.find(item_b) self.sets.remove(a) self.sets.remove(b) self.sets.add(a.union(b)) def find(self, item): for s in self.sets: if s.issuperset(frozenset({item})): return s return None # Kruskal 算法 def Kruskal(G): Tree = set() all_nodes = Forest() for node in G.nodes: all_nodes.make(node) queue = PriorityQueue() for edge in G.edges: queue.put(edge) while not queue.empty(): (u, v, w) = queue.get() if all_nodes.find(u) != all_nodes.find(v): Tree = Tree.union({(u, v, w)}) all_nodes.union(u, v) return list(Tree)
tree = Kruskal(wg) print(tree) """ [('b', 'c', 8), ('c', 'i', 2), ('g', 'h', 1), ('d', 'e', 9), ('c', 'f', 4), ('c', 'd', 7), ('f', 'g', 2), ('a', 'b', 4)] """
def cf(tree): def color_filter(edge): in_tree = filter(lambda t: t[:2] == edge[:2] or t[:2][::-1] == edge[:2],tree) if len(list(in_tree)) > 0: return 'red' return 'black' return color_filter wg.draw(color_filter=cf(tree))
Prim 算法与后面的 Dijkstra 算法有些类似,保存一个 k[node]
为 node
与最小生成树中所有节点之间最小权值,然后从起点开始,以 k[node]
这里为区分树内树外可以直接检查优先队列,Python 中的优先队列实际上就是对最小堆的简单封装,本质上还是一个列表,因此我们可以直接利用 heapq
from heapq import heappush, heappop, heapify class SearchQueue: def __init__(self): self.queue = [] def put(self, item): heappush(self.queue, item) def get(self): return heappop(self.queue) def contains(self, item): return len(list(filter(lambda e: e[1] == item, self.queue))) def empty(self): return len(self.queue) == 0 def update(self, item): for i in self.queue: if i[1] == item[1]: i[0] == item[0] break heapify(self.queue)
def Prim(G, r): INF = float('inf') k = {} # 保存权值 p = {} # 保存上一个节点 queue = SearchQueue() for node in G.nodes: k[node] = INF p[node] = None k[r] = 0 for node in G.nodes: queue.put((k[node], node)) while not queue.empty(): cur = queue.get() for (node, w) in G.adjs(cur[1]): if queue.contains(node) and w
parent = Prim(wg, 'a') print(parent) """ {'a': None, 'b': 'a', 'c': 'b', 'd': 'c', 'e': 'd', 'f': 'c', 'g': 'f', 'h': 'g', 'i': 'c'} """
def cf(parent): def color_filter(edge): if parent.get(edge[0]) == edge[1] or parent.get(edge[1]) == edge[0]: return 'red' return 'black' return color_filter wg.draw(color_filter=cf(parent))
4. 单源最短路径问题
dwg = WeiGraph('stxyz', [('s','t',10),('s','y',5), ('t','x',1),('t','y',2), ('x','z',4), ('y','t',3),('y','x',9),('y','z',2), ('z','s',7),('z','x',6)], is_dir=True) print(dwg) """ [('s', 0), ('t', 10), ('y', 5)] [('t', 0), ('x', 1), ('y', 2)] [('x', 0), ('z', 4)] [('y', 0), ('t', 3), ('x', 9), ('z', 2)] [('z', 0), ('s', 7), ('x', 6)] """ dwg.draw()
Dijkstra 算法同样从起点开始构建最短路径,将所有节点与最短路径之间的距离作为键值存入优先队列,依次选择队列中的最小值,并与所有邻接点进行比较,看是否通过该点将其纳入最短路径是权值最小的:
def Dijkstra(G, s): INF = float('inf') dist = {} parent = {} for node in G.nodes: dist[node] = INF parent[node] = None dist[s] = 0 queue = SearchQueue() for node in G.nodes: queue.put((dist[node], node)) while not queue.empty(): cur = queue.get() for (node, w) in G.adjs(cur[1]): if dist[node] > dist[cur[1]] + w: dist[node] = dist[cur[1]] + w parent[node] = cur[1] queue.update((dist[node], node)) return parent
parent = Dijkstra(dwg, 's') print(parent) """ {'s': None, 't': 'y', 'x': 't', 'y': 's', 'z': 'y'} """ def cf(parent): def color_filter(edge): if parent.get(edge[1]) == edge[0]: # 有向 return 'red' return 'black' return color_filter dwg.draw(color_filter=cf(parent))
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