Loop can be applied to any 'iterable' object,appliediterable,str = 'foo';
Loop can be applied to any 'iterable' object,appliediterable,str = 'foo';
str = 'foo'; for char in str: print char
- Use print as C printf: %d and %s,printf%s,print 'That
- String search: search for position,stringposition,S =
- Update a dictionary,updatedictionary,d2 = {'spam'
- List Slicing Shorthand,slicingshorthand,li = ['a', '
- Cheap and simple API helper,cheaphelper,'''Cheap and
- Treat the tuple as a condition,treattuple,inventory =
- Use print as C printf: %d and %s,printf%s,print 'That
- String search: search for position,stringposition,S = 'xxxxSPA
- Update a dictionary,updatedictionary,d2 = {'spam'
- List Slicing Shorthand,slicingshorthand,li = ['a', '
- Cheap and simple API helper,cheaphelper,'''Cheap and
- Treat the tuple as a condition,treattuple,inventory =
- List sort() Demo,listsortdemo,# Sort the i
- Convert int: to and from string,convertstring,print int('4
- Demonstrates the break and continue statements,,count = 0whi
- Demonstrates writing to a text file,,# print 'Cre