strings can be expressed in several ways.,stringsexpressed,print 'spam
strings can be expressed in several ways.,stringsexpressed,print 'spam
print 'spam eggs'print 'doesn\'t'print 'doesn't' print ''Yes,' he said.'print '\'Yes,\' he said.' print ''Isn\'t,' she said.'
- python __getattr__ 示例,python__getattr_,class TT:
- Keyword arguments example.,argumentsexample,def genera
- Default parameter of a function is 'global&#
- Pass string value into a function,passstring,def welco
- Recursive fibonacci function.,recursivefibonacci,def f
- Illustrate parameter passing: tuple, type and tuple,il
- python __getattr__ 示例,python__getattr_,class TT:
- Keyword arguments example.,argumentsexample,def generate
- Default parameter of a function is 'global',paramet
- Pass string value into a function,passstring,def welcome(
- Recursive fibonacci function.,recursivefibonacci,def fibonacc
- Illustrate parameter passing: tuple, type and tuple,illustratetuple
- Returning Multiple Values from Functions,returningfunctions,def mul
- Demonstrates parameters and return values,,def display(
- dir() Function: find out which names a module defines,namesdefines,
- Functional Programming Tools: filter,,# 'filter(fu