Subclassing the Default ContentHandler,,from xml.sax
Subclassing the Default ContentHandler,,from xml.sax
from xml.sax import make_parserfrom xml.sax import saxutilsclass SimpleHandler(saxutils.DefaultHandler): def startElement(self,name,attrs): print 'Start: ',name,attrs def endElement(self,name): print 'End: ',name def characters(self,data): print 'Data: ', repr(data)sh = SimpleHandler()p = make_parser()p.setContentHandler(sh)file = 'guac.xml'p.parse(file)
- Define your own class to store time and date,definesto
- String output format: %e, %f, %g and,%e%g,x = 1.234567
- Using finally clauses.,finallyclauses,def raiseExc
- Draw circle,drawcircle,from Tkinter
- Inner function definition,innerdefinition,def f1():
- Used by echoes: as code form,usedechoes,num = 1 / 3.
- Define your own class to store time and date,definestore,import tim
- String output format: %e, %f, %g and,%e%g,x = 1.234567
- Using finally clauses.,finallyclauses,def raiseExc
- Draw circle,drawcircle,from Tkinter
- Inner function definition,innerdefinition,def f1():
- Used by echoes: as code form,usedechoes,num = 1 / 3.
- try with else statement,trystatement,MyError = 'h
- api helper: Print methods and doc strings,methodsstrings,def info(o
- A helper for analyzing PYTHONDUMPREFS output,,'''PYTHON SO
- Min function,minfunction,print min(9,