Plots data points and the fitting polynomial using Python,plotspolynomial,''' plotPoly
文章由Byrx.net分享于2019-03-23 07:03:44
Plots data points and the fitting polynomial using Python,plotspolynomial,''' plotPoly
''' plotPoly(xData,yData,coeff) Plots data points and the fitting polynomial defined by its coefficient array {coeff} = {a0, a1. ...}''' from numpy import zeros,arangefrom xyPlot import *def plotPoly(xData,yData,coeff): m = len(coeff) x1 = min(xData) x2 = max(xData) dx = (x2 - x1)/20.0 x = arange(x1,x2 + dx/10.0,dx) y = zeros((len(x)))*1.0 for i in range(m): y = y + coeff[i]*x**i xyPlot(xData,yData,'no',x,y,'ln')
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