Use r to define a string and return its length,definelength,path = r'C:\
Use r to define a string and return its length,definelength,path = r'C:\
path = r'C:\new\text.dat'print pathprint len(path) # string length
- String repitition demo,stringrepitition,print 'Pie'
- Searching from end of string,searchingstring,string1 =
- strings can be expressed in several ways.,stringsexpre
- python __getattr__ 示例,python__getattr_,class TT:
- Keyword arguments example.,argumentsexample,def genera
- Default parameter of a function is 'global&#
- String repitition demo,stringrepitition,print 'Pie'
- Searching from end of string,searchingstring,string1 = 'T
- strings can be expressed in several ways.,stringsexpressed,print 's
- python __getattr__ 示例,python__getattr_,class TT:
- Keyword arguments example.,argumentsexample,def generate
- Default parameter of a function is 'global',paramet
- Pass string value into a function,passstring,def welcome(
- Recursive fibonacci function.,recursivefibonacci,def fibonacc
- Illustrate parameter passing: tuple, type and tuple,illustratetuple
- Returning Multiple Values from Functions,returningfunctions,def mul